Segmented Control is quite popular in Mobile, this is how it looks in iOS & Android. Considering it’s popularity, there is a wide adoption in web as well.
Today we will be building a segmented control to toggle colour schemes on our website, rather recreate the one found on the footer of Apple Developer website.
I am writing this article as I am building it, so hopefully it will be simple to understand & will cover most of the grounds.
From what we already know, the right UI for this component would be a radio input
as we can select only one segment at a time. So, let’s try to add 3 radio inputs to an index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<input id="light-color-scheme-radio" type="radio">
<label for="light-color-scheme-radio">Light</label>
<input id="dark-color-scheme-radio" type="radio">
<label for="dark-color-scheme-radio">Dark</label>
<input id="auto-color-scheme-radio" type="radio">
<label for="auto-color-scheme-radio">Auto</label>
Looks like the horizontal alignment is fine, we need to change few things:
hide the radio
change background & foreground colour of selected input
circleLet’s add an index.css
, we would need to wrap the radio
buttons on a div
, then change the display
property of div.input
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<div class="color-scheme-segment-control">
<input id="light-color-scheme-segment" type="radio">
<label for="light-color-scheme-segment">Light</label>
<input id="dark-color-scheme-segment" type="radio">
<label for="dark-color-scheme-segment">Dark</label>
<input id="auto-color-scheme-segment" type="radio">
<label for="auto-color-scheme-segment">Auto</label>
.color-scheme-segment-control input {
display: none;
This is tricky, whenever a radio input
is selected, we need to somehow change the style of its corresponding label
From w3schools CSS Selector Reference, looks like [element + element]
(as referenced here) might do the job, let’s try by setting first input
as checked
<div class="color-scheme-segment-control">
<input id="light-color-scheme-segment" type="radio" checked>
<label for="light-color-scheme-segment">Light</label>
#light-color-scheme-segment:checked + label {
background-color: blue;
okay, it works, but that means we have to duplicate the same style for other input
s as well. Is there a way to combine the style for all the input
s ? May be if we gave them all the same name
& somehow apply style to that name
instead 🤔
From w3schools CSS Selector Reference, looks like [*attribute*~=*value*]
(as referenced here) might do the job, let’s try (we need to check if it works upon selection & deselection also)
<div class="color-scheme-segment-control">
<input id="light-color-scheme-segment" name="color-scheme-segment-input" type="radio" checked>
<label for="light-color-scheme-segment">Light</label>
<input id="dark-color-scheme-segment" name="color-scheme-segment-input" type="radio">
<label for="dark-color-scheme-segment">Dark</label>
<input id="auto-color-scheme-segment" name="color-scheme-segment-input" type="radio">
<label for="auto-color-scheme-segment">Auto</label>
[name~="color-scheme-segment-input"]:checked + label {
background-color: blue;
Awesome 🥳 it works, even on selection & deselection
From here on, it should be easy for us to add other styles like foreground colour on selection.
1) Outer div
should place the input
s & label
s in centre
.color-scheme-segment-control {
display: inline-flex;
justify-content: center;
align-content: center;
2) Outer div
should have some padding
, border
& capsule-button like look (we can achieve it by giving a really big corner radius)
.color-scheme-segment-control {
padding: 1px;
border: solid 1px #306FDB;
/* To make it look like a capsule */
border-radius: 1000px;
3) label
s should have some padding (more on horizontal), default (unselected) foreground colour, reduced font size & capsule-button like look
.color-scheme-segment-control label {
padding: 3px 8px;
color: #306FDB;
font-size: 0.75rem;
/* To make it look like a capsule */
border-radius: 1000px;
4) label
s should have a selected foreground & background colour
[name~="color-scheme-segment-input"]:checked+label {
color: white;
background-color: #306FDB;
That’s it, this is how our final code will looks like
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<h1>Segment Control Demo</h1>
<div class="color-scheme-segment-control">
<input id="light-color-scheme-segment" name="color-scheme-segment-input" type="radio" checked>
<label for="light-color-scheme-segment">Light</label>
<input id="dark-color-scheme-segment" name="color-scheme-segment-input" type="radio">
<label for="dark-color-scheme-segment">Dark</label>
<input id="auto-color-scheme-segment" name="color-scheme-segment-input" type="radio">
<label for="auto-color-scheme-segment">Auto</label>
.color-scheme-segment-control {
display: inline-flex;
justify-content: center;
align-content: center;
padding: 1px;
border: solid 1px #306FDB;
/* To make it look like a capsule */
border-radius: 1000px;
.color-scheme-segment-control input {
display: none;
.color-scheme-segment-control label {
padding: 3px 8px;
color: #306FDB;
font-size: 0.75rem;
/* To make it look like a capsule */
border-radius: 1000px;
[name~="color-scheme-segment-input"]:checked+label {
color: white;
background-color: #306FDB;
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This is the first ever World's Northernmost Apple Developers' Conference with One day of workshops, two days of tech-talks, Sauna 🧖, ice swimming 🏊, northern lights 🗻, and drinks to help you forget about work and connect with like-minded professionals, it is organised by Jesse Sipola
Get your tickets!Now, it looks pretty similar to Segmented Control on Apple Developer Website. Hooray 🥳 🥂
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