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iOS Interview Questions 2020 - Part 2

Questions, Tips and Tricks to clear iOS Interview Questions

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If you did not have a chance to read the first part of this blog, please read here

Q1. What will be the output

func someFunction() -> String {  
     defer { return "World" }
     return "Hello"  



  1. "Hello"
  2. "World"
  3. "Hello World"
  4. Compiler error

Q2. What will be the output

var employeeSalary = 20

func updateEmployeeSalary() {  
   employeeSalary = 70
   defer { employeeSalary = 30 }  
   defer { employeeSalary = 40 }  
   defer { employeeSalary = 50 }
   employeeSalary = 50  



  1. 20
  2. 50
  3. 30
  4. 70

Q3. Which of these is not a valid execution for the below code

var a: String = "a"  
var b: String! = "b"  
var c: String? = "c"
a = c // 1  

b = c // 2  
c = b // 3


  1. 1
  2. Both 1, 2
  3. 3
  4. None of these

Q4. Let’s say we have 3 views of given Intrinsic size

Showing sizes of 3 different Views

In the below given horizontal StackView. Which of the following is true?

Showing sizes of 3 different Views in a StackView


  1. View 3 and View 2 has the least horizontal content hugging priority than view 1
  2. View 2 and View 3 has greater horizontal content hugging priority than view 1
  3. View 3 has the least horizontal content hugging priority
  4. View 1 has the highest horizontal content hugging priority

Q5. Let’s say we have 3 views of given Intrinsic size

Showing sizes of 3 different Views

arranged in a horizontal StackView, Which among the following represents Distribution set to fillProportionally .

Showing options for sizes of 3 different Views in a StackView

Q6. What will be the output of the code snippet below:

class WhiteHouse { 
    weak var pentagon: Pentagon?
    deinit {  
        print("White House deinitialized")  

class Pentagon {
    weak var whiteHouse: WhiteHouse?
    deinit {  
        print("Pentagon deinitialized")  

var a = WhiteHouse()  
a.pentagon = Pentagon()

weak var b = Pentagon()  
b?.whiteHouse = a


  1. Pentagon deinitialized, Pentagon deinitialized
  2. WhiteHouse deinitialized, Pentagon deinitialized
  3. Pentagon deinitialized, WhiteHouse deinitialized
  4. Nothing is deinitialized

Q7. What will be the output of the code snippet below:

class Kondana<T: Equatable> {
    var dictDataHolder = [String: T]() 

    func add(value: T?, using key: String) -> T? {  
        self.dictDataHolder[key] = value
        return value  

var fortOne = Kondana<String>()  
let value = fortOne.


  1. British
  2. nil
  3. compile-time error
  4. segmentation fault

Q8. What will be the output:

var motive = "Sip"
let userMotive = { [motive] in  

motive = "Lump Sum"

Q9. What will the output of the code snippet below be?

struct Person {  
    var contact: Contact
    init(contact: Contact) {  
        self.contact = contact  

class Contact {  
    var phoneNumber: Int
    init(phoneNumber: Int) {  
        self.phoneNumber = phoneNumber  

let contact = Contact(phoneNumber: 1800)  
var vijay = Person(contact: contact)
let ajith = vijay  
vijay.contact.phoneNumber = 1234  


Q10. Choose the output of the Following Programme:

protocol SomeProtocol {  
    func someFunction()  

extension SomeProtocol {  
    func someOtherFunction() {  
        print("SomeProtocol: Some Other Function")  

struct SomeStruct: SomeProtocol {  
    func someFunction() {  
        print("Some Function")  
    func someOtherFunction() {  
        print("SomeStruct: Some Other Function")  

let someStruct: SomeProtocol = SomeStruct()  


  1. "Some Function"
    "SomeStruct: Some Other Function"
  2. "Some Function"
    "SomeProtocol: Some Other Function"
  3. Compiler Error
  4. I am not Sure

Q11. Which of the following programme(s) will print the following:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 End of the World!

let firstQueue = DispatchQueue (label: "First Queue")
let globalQueue = DispatchQueue.global()
let parentQueue = DispatchQueue (label: "Parent Queue")


Q12. What is the Type of color:

enum Color: String {  
    case red  
    case green  
    case blue  

let color = Color(rawValue: "yellow")


  1. Color
  2. String
  3. Color?
  4. String?

Q13. Answer the following questions:


  1. What is the center of outerView
    (x: ?, y: ?)

  2. What is the centre of innerView
    (x: ?, y: ?)

  3. What are the bounds of innerView
    (x: ?, y: ?, width: ?, height: ?)

  4. What are the bounds of outerView
    (x: ?, y: ?, width: ?, height: ?)

  5. What is the frame of the innerView
    (x: ?, y: ?, width: ?, height: ?)

Q14. Spot the issue in this code if any?

final class SingleTon {
    static let shared = SingleTon()  
    private var viewControllers = [UIViewController]()
    private init() { }  
    func add(vc: UIViewController) {  
    func remove(vc: UIViewController) {  
        if let index = viewControllers.firstIndex(of: vc) {  
            viewControllers.remove(at: index)   

final class SomeViewController: UIViewController {  
    init() {  
        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)  
        SingleTon.shared.add(vc: self)  

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