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How to Parse Data from Socket in Swift?

When I was working in a trading app, there is a need to rely on a socket connection to get realtime data. So every time I get data from the socket, need to parse it and feed it into the view to display the data.


Language like JAVA comes with powerful ByteBuffer to make life easier in this case. In iOS, we do not have an exact alternative but we do have options:

1. Strings in Swift comes with handy default initializers to parse data


let unit8: [UInt8] = [67, 97, 102, 195, 169]  
let strFromUInt8 = String(decoding: unit8, as: UTF8.self)

print(strFromUInt8) // "Cafe\n"

let data: Data = Data(unit8)  
let stringFromData = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)

print(stringFromData) // "Optional("Cafe")\n"


  • It’s never safe to force-unwrap a data-to-string transformation.
  • Strings in Swift use Unicode internally, so encoding a string using a Unicode encoding will always succeed.

So parsing strings from the socket is straight forward. But the same is possible for other types like Int, Double, etc.

2. Using Pointers

How to get the data into a proper Swift type like an Int or Float? Swift’s type system is strict enough that you can’t force a typecast to an unrelated type. We can’t cast the bytes contained in a Data object to an Int.

There is no Int constructor that takes a Data or raw bytes (Strings in swift are lucky as seen in option 1 above 😜). The method withUnsafeBytes(_:) is the method we need for all our data conversion needs.

Calls the given closure with a pointer to the underlying bytes of the array’s contiguous storage.


let unit8: [UInt8] = [136, 3]
let integer = unit8.withUnsafeBytes {$0.load(as: UInt16.self)}
print(integer) // "904\n"


let unit8: [UInt8] = [154, 153, 153, 153, 153, 130, 151, 64]
let double = unit8.withUnsafeBytes {$0.load(as: Double.self)}
print(double) // "1504.65\n"

This method withUnsafeBytes gets closure, and it passes a pointer into that closure. The type of the pointer is generic UnsafePointer<T>, and you define what the type of data the pointer contains. If you know you were sent a 32-bit integer, set your closure parameter as UnsafePointer<Int32>.

So, when a data object is received like below:

let data: [UInt8] = [0,0,48,50,54,45,49,50,45,50,48,49,57,32,49,  
                     57,58,48,53,58, 52,56,0,50,54,45,49,50,45,  

this data may contain multiple elements(types) into it, to traverse into this array of UInt8 and get the type we need, we can add an extension to Array

public extension Array {
    func slice(_ from: Int, count: Int) ->  ArraySlice<Element>? {
        guard (0 <= from && from < self.count) && (from < from+count && from+count < self.count) else {
            return nil
        return self[from...from+count-1]

then we can extend the ArraySlice to parse the chunked array of elements from the parent array to our desired type

public extension ArraySlice {
    private func array() -> [Element] {
        return Array(self)

    func withAlignedBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
        if startIndex == 0 || startIndex % MemoryLayout<R>.alignment == 0 {
            return try self.withUnsafeBytes(body)
        } else {
            return try self.array().withUnsafeBytes(body)

now we can conclude with extending array with our desired type functions like below:

public extension Array where Array.Element == UInt8 {
    func getString(atIndex: Int, count: Int) -> String? {
        guard let bytes = self.slice(atIndex, count: count) else { return nil }
        guard let string = String(bytes: bytes, encoding: .utf8)?.trim() else { return nil }
        return string

    func getInt(atIndex: Int, count: Int) -> Int? {
        guard let bytes = self.slice(atIndex, count: count) else { return nil }
        let int = bytes.withAlignedBytes {$0.load(as: UInt16.self)}
        return Int(int)

    func getDouble(atIndex: Int, count: Int) -> Double? {
        guard let bytes = self.slice(atIndex, count: count) else { return nil }
        let double = bytes.withAlignedBytes {$0.load(as: Double.self)}
        return double

    func getDecimal(atIndex: Int, count: Int) -> Decimal? {
        guard let bytes = self.slice(atIndex, count: count) else { return nil }
        let decimal = bytes.withAlignedBytes {$0.load(as: Decimal.self)}
        return decimal

now we can use the above code by:

let myString = data.getString(atIndex: 0, count: 6) 
print(myString) // "MuraliK"

Ok, these look cool when we know the count of sub-array, if a situation comes when we don know the count, then we have to calculate the length by ourselves.


extension Array where Element == UInt8 {
    func stringEndIndex(from startIndex: Int = 0) -> Int? {
        findStringEndIndex(from: startIndex)

    // Method to calculate the end index of string
    private func findStringEndIndex(from startIndex: Int, to endIndex: Int? = nil) -> Int? {
        guard (endIndex == .none) || (endIndex != nil && endIndex! <= startIndex && endIndex! < count) 
        else { return nil } // Not a valid string
        guard startIndex < count else { return endIndex }

        var arraySlice = self[0...startIndex]
        guard !arraySlice.contains(where: { 0...31 ~= $0 }) else { return endIndex }
        if String(data: Data(arraySlice), encoding: .utf8) != nil {
            return findStringEndIndex(from: startIndex + 1, to: startIndex)

        guard startIndex + 1 < count else { return endIndex }
        arraySlice = self[0 ... startIndex + 1]
        guard !arraySlice.contains(where: { 0...31 ~= $0 }) else { return endIndex }
        if String(data: Data(arraySlice), encoding: .utf8) != nil {
            return findStringEndIndex(from: startIndex + 2, to: startIndex + 1)

        guard startIndex + 3 < count else { return endIndex }
        arraySlice = self[0 ... startIndex + 3]
        guard !arraySlice.contains(where: { 0...31 ~= $0 }) else { return endIndex }
        if String(data: Data(arraySlice), encoding: .utf8) != nil {
            return findStringEndIndex(from: startIndex + 4, to: startIndex + 3)

        return endIndex

Using Decoder

It is basically Swift’s internal Decodable + Creating custom containers for parsing [UInt8] to the respective Types specified in concrete Type of Decodable leveraging the power of Protocols.

BinaryDecodable protocol confirming to Swift’s Decodable protocol

BinaryDecoder class confirming to Swift’s Decoder protocol

It mocks the Container behaviour, It specifies the way to decode any Type when called by Decoder internally for all the properties with an associated Type in the Struct.


We tried to use all three ways to parse the socket data to understand which is more flexible and error-free. We found the method 2 using withUnsafeBytes(_:) is easy to read, maintain and available for all types.

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