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App Privacy Policy

We, at swiftpublished.com take user privacy as seriously as you do. So, we collect data as little as possible & it’s mostly non-identifiable user data.

This page tries to cover every detail about the data we collect & why with full transparency, but if you still have questions please feel free to reach us at hello@swiftpublished.com

How do we collect your data

Swift Published app content can be categorised into 2 types

  • API Content
  • Web Content

API Content

We don’t track anything when it comes to Content from the API, it includes the following screens:

  • Browse screen with list of Sections & Topics under those Sections
  • Article List screen corresponding to a Topic

Web Content

Again we don’t track anything here, but we use third party services in our website which tracks non-identifiable user data. It includes the following screen:

Which third party services do we use

1. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics just to measure Page Views on the website, from the best of our knowledge it tracks the following:

  • Your Device Info which includes device model name, OS etc
  • Your Browser Info which includes browser name, region of the request, cookie based session etc

We highly encourage you to read the privacy policy of Google Products including Google Analytics (and the help section) because it’s automatically applicable in addition to our privacy policy mentioned in this page.

2. CommentBox

We use CommentBox.io on our website for you to be able to add comments to an article. Even though it boasts No ads. No Tracking. Just Comments, we highly encourage you to read it’s privacy policy because it’s also automatically applicable in addition to our privacy policy mentioned in this page.

From the best of our knowledge it tracks the following:

  • Sign in using Socials which access your name, email id & profile picture
  • Session using Local Storage (not cookies)

You can always stay anonymous while commenting though & we would actually suggest you to do that. Also, anytime you can de-link your social from CommentBox.

How do we use your data

Again, we don’t collect any data, but third party services used in the website may

How third party services use data

1. Google Analytics

  • to measure Page Views on the website
  • to measure Average Reading Time of an Article
  • insights about User demographics, acquisition & retention

Again we highly encourage you to read the privacy policy of Google Products including Google Analytics (and the help section) to know exactly how your data is being used.

2. CommentBox

  • your email id or Socials are used to authenticate users
  • your Social user token is used to maintain session
  • your profile picture might be used on comments

Again we highly encourage you to read it’s privacy policy to know exactly how your data is being used.

How do we not use data

We or any third party services we use don’t share your data to other parties. We don’t use your data to send you unwanted newsletters, spam emails or promotional offers.

It’s intentional that we don’t have a login in swiftpublished.com because you come here just to learn Swift & iOS Development, you should be able to stay anonymous while doing that. But, to be able to comment, we need some unique id to store the comments on server, hence we use CommentBox where you do easy login using your Socials & still stay anonymous while commenting.

Our privacy policy was last updated on October 16th 2023.

We may update our privacy policy from time to time, so keep an eye on this page. If you have questions, suggestions, or other feedback please get in touch at hello@swiftpublished.com.

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