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The Team

We are a very small team from India with an ambitious effort to write weekly blogs related to Swift & iOS Development keeping beginners in mind. After a decade of experience in the field, we think it’s time to contribute back to the community.

Author Aaina portrait photo

Aaina Jain


Know Aaina
Author Sabapathy in front of a monument

Kanagasabapathy Rajkumar

creator & author

Know Saba
Author Murali sitting in a gathering

Muralidharan Kathiresan


Know Murali
Author Shahrukh in front of a monument

Shahrukh Alam

creator & author

Know Shahrukh

The Site

swiftpublished.com is made with 100% Swift, it had us at hello.

Tech stack


We believe learning should be free, free of Ads. So, entire content on swiftpublished.com is free for everyone without any Ads.

User Privacy is taken very seriously, no user data is collected, even no login. The site is secure with https or SSL certificate.

We have tried to take User-First (and Mobile-First) approach. So, the site is blazing fast, statically served HTML with bare necessary client-side Javascript (for code syntax highlighting). Proper caching is in place (CDN in the pipeline).

We tend to write articles from the experience & learning at our work. As it’s just starting out we try to focus on beginner & intermediate topics, for advanced topics please follow kodeco.com (new raywenderlich.com), hackingwithswift.com, swiftbysundell.com, fivestars.blog & other amazing community resources.

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